
Since Vietnamese invasion of Dega Country in 1950 a deceitful propaganda campaign has been used to hide the genocide of the Dega people in our own homeland. Throughout Vietnamese occupation of Dega Country, war crimes have been committed against our people. The Vietnam Civil War was deliberately fought on Dega territory by 3 Vietnamese groups to systematically murder millions of the Dega people. The war acted as a cover up of Dega genocide. It was planned by high-ranking officials of both North Vietnam and South Vietnam who, together, established the Viet Cong group. U.S. aid to South Vietnam was a tool in their deceptive propaganda campaign. North Vietnam and the Viet Cong blamed the U.S. for the war crimes, while South Vietnam blamed the Viet Cong for the war crimes. In reality, the 3 Vietnamese groups were unified in these war crimes, without the knowledge of low-ranking officials. They shared one goal. That goal was to eliminate the Dega people as a nation to avoid disputes over Dega sovereignty and land rights.

Today that genocidal system continues in different ways including:

  • Dega people are forcibly removed from our resource-rich territory to less fertile lands with poisoned environments.
  • Poisoned food and beverages are imported into predominantly Dega communities to be sold.
  • Dega political activists, religious leaders, and educated civilians are murdered.
  • Dega people are murdered daily by cars and buses.
  • Dega people are murdered during hospital visits for organ trafficking.
  • Dega women and young adults are kidnapped.
  • Dega women are forcibly sterilized.
  • Dega women are raped by Vietnamese security and police.
  • Dega people are not allowed to hold political office with decision-making powers.
  • Dega religious leaders are under the direct control of the Vietnamese government.

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