Hanoi, Viet Cong attacked the Dega villages at night and Saigon bombing that villages during the Vietnam Civil War from 1960 - 1975.

During the Vietnam Civil War from 1960 - 1975, Hanoi, Viet Cong attacked the Dega villages at night and Saigon bombing that villages destroyed the villages, burned the houses and people. During the Vietnam Civil War over million the Dega people women, men, and children were murdered. The Vietnam Civil War was deliberately on Dega territory from 17th parallel, know the Central Highlands a separate part of Vietnam. The Cities belong to the Central Highlands were HUE, DANANG, CAM RANH, NHA TRANG and many down to Saigon. Vietnam used Their Civil War intended of genocide the Dega people to steal the Dega country and forced the Dega territory to become part of Vietnam. Vietnam war Crimes and Crimes against humanity. Vietnam is a Crimes under international law 

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