(1) the fruit of custard apple, (2). The fruit of boh k'kuom, (3) River and forest.

Many kinds of fruit God created in the Dega country, know the Central Highlands a separate part of Vietnam. God created many kinds of fruit in the jungle in Dega country and any season always has the fruit in jungle in Dega country. When you go in the jungle always has the fruit to eat any season. But now the Vietnamese destroyed the forest and Vietnamese destroyed all the kinds of fruit in Dega country a separate part of Vietnam. The Vietnamese destroyed the forest all kinds of fruit and Vietnamese give the land to other countries plant rubber tree and coffee tree. other countries gave the money and bull-dozer to Vietnam. And the Vietnamese genocide the Dega people on Dega own country. This genocide Dega people, drestroyed the forest, took the farm land and River dry out by destroyed the forest, the Dega people are starving and die. During the Vietnamese Civil War the Vietnamese genocide the Dega people women, men, and children over two million on Dega own country.

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