On February, 2019, this video speak the Vietnamese languages, the President of United States Donald J Trump has rent Cam Ranh for fifties years pay 100 trillion dollar.

Declare to the world Cam Ranh the part belong to the Dega territory. We called Kam Mran Vietnamese rename Cam Ranh. Dega border from 20 parallel the French who make it from 17 parallel The Vietnamese rename the Cities belong to the Dega people. HUE, DANANG, CAM RANH, NHA TRANG and many down to Saigon. We the Dega people love the American as our own family. The American and Dega were devoted to each other like a loving family. The Dega have a place for the American inside our hearts. The Vietnamese do not love the American, the Vietnamese love American dollars. The Vietnamese leaders, they are worry their communist party will be terminated by the China. The Vietnamese communist party lies and deceived the U.S and UN. The Vietnamese communist party lies and deceived to cover up their War Crimes and Crimes against humanity. Even though the United States rent Cam Ranh from the Vietnamese. We the Dega people continue against the Vietnam occupation and genocide. Declare to the world we the Dega people are against the Vietnam for Self-Defense and we will do whatever it take to get our Dega country back.

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