The Vietnam massed murdered Dega people during the Vietnam Civil War this photos from 1969 - 1970.

In 1950, the Vietnamese came to live in Dega country, Dega country know the Central Highlands is separated part of Vietnam. The Vietnamese wage the Vietnamese Civil War on Dega country. The Vietnamese started the Vietnamese Civil War that last from 1960-1975. Vietnamese Civil War was not in Hanoi or Saigon. Vietnamese Civil War was deliberately on Dega country. The Vietnamese intended of genocide the Dega people on Dega territory. The Vietnamese massed murdered the Dega people women, men, and children. The Vietnamese burned Dega people alive with the fire. The Vietnamese Hanged Dega people necks on the tree. The Vietnamese shot Dega people on the farm, on the trail, on the street, on the road, inside the villages, inside the houses and inside the cities during the Vietnamese Civil War from 1960-1975. Vietnam has committed war crimes from 1960, and to this day. Vietnam has carried Vietnam war crimes across the nations, the nations to the United Nations. Vietnam war crimes has been judged yet. In the future the Vietnam war crimes will be judged by the international law.

The Dega people lived in peace in Dega own country before 1954, no weapon, no enemy, and no war. Our Dega people enemies were tiger and snake, but the tiger and snake never killed the Dega people. Only the Vietnamese who killed the Dega people. If the Vietnamese do not kill the Dega people. Dega population now approximate about 80 millions to 100 millions.

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