The Vietnamese kidnapped the Dega girls the year of 2019, and sold them to other country. China, Africa and other.

The Vietnamese kidnapped many of the Dega girls and sold them to China, Africa, and other country. This the way the Vietnamese will wipe out the Dega people of the map. The Vietnamese Civil War the Vietnamese intended of genocide the Dega people on Dega territory, Dega country. The Vietnamese Civil War was not the war, the Vietnamese massed murdered the Dega people on Dega own country and the Vietnamese killed the Dega people women, men, and children shot down cold blood. During the Civil War both the Vietnamese government North and South, they killed the Dega pregnant women. After they killed them and they put the bodies inside the houses then they burn the houses to cover up the pregnant bodies to the world. Now we the Dega people release the photos dead bodies of the Dega people women, men, and children to the world during the Vietnamese Civil War from 1960 - 1975. The American were blamed, when it was really the Vietnamese. 

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