The Vietnamese has stolen the trees from the Dega country, know the Central Highlands a separate part of Vietnam.

The Vietnamese has stolen the trees of the Dega country more than hundred million trees and sold at the Cambodia port. And also the Vietnamese has stolen Mine, Gold, Marble, Black Pepper, Tea, Rubber trees, Coffee, oil, and other. The Vietnamese Civil War was not the war, the Vietnamese massed murdered the Dega people and the Vietnamese killed the Dega people women, men, children, shot down cold blood to steal the Dega country and forced the Dega territory to become part of Vietnam. Vietnam member with United Nations Security Council violation international law. the UNSC care about the money not the people that they welcomed the Vietnam member with the UNSC. Vietnam massed murdered the people and Vietnam killed the people shot down cold blood. Vietnam has committed War Crimes and Crimes against humanity from 1960, and to this day.

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