Vietnam Used U.S. Aid To Cover Up War Crimes

December 6, 2017



In 2004 Y-Su Nie, a Dega activist, was murdered by Vietnamese General Pham Van Dong through poison. During Y-Su's political imprisonment General Van Dong taunted Y-Su about Vietnam's genocide of the Dega people. Van Dong stated, "Vietnam can kill Dega people anytime we want to. No one will do anything about it. The United Nations and other countries will not believe you. Look at the war. Vietnam killed many people and blamed it on the Americans. The United Nations believed us." Y-Su reported this to community members immediately after his “release”. The poison took his life two weeks later.

The Vietnam Civil War was a conflict not in Hanoi or Saigon, it was a War on Dega territory, know as the Central Highlands in Vietnam. Vietnam Civil War intended of genocide the Dega people.

U.S military assistance to South Vietnam was another tool in Vietnam's deceptive propaganda campaign. In Vietnam, the Vietnamese government officially refer to the civil war as the '' American War '' although it was really a civil war between the Vietnamese people. 

Both North Vietnam and South Vietnam Senators, Congress and General, who, together, established the Viet Cong in 1960.  3 Vietnamese groups started of Their Civil War that last from 1960 – 1975. In this conflict, the Vietnamese Civil War was deliberately fought on Dega territory, know as the Central Highlands in Vietnam. The purpose of the Vietnam Civil War initiated by 3 Vietnamese groups to cover up their intention of genocide the Dega people who were different as a nation from the Vietnamese.   

Over a million Dega civilians were murdered by Vietnamese forces during the Vietnam Civil War. These deaths were not "collateral damage". It was genocide. In 1960, high-ranking officials of both North Vietnam and South Vietnam established the Viet Cong. These 3 Vietnamese groups, together, worked to systematically murder millions of Dega people to eliminate the Dega State and claim our territory as Vietnamese lands.

During the Vietnamese Civil War (Vietnam War) the Viet Cong released photos of civilian massacres that caused international outrage. The Viet Cong stated Americans were responsible for the massacres. This was false. The Viet Cong deliberately photographed atrocities they committed, shared these photos with the world, and put blame on American troops. This was deceitful propaganda pushed by Vietnamese groups to cover up the genocide of the Dega people.

Since God gave birth to the world we, the Dega people have always been lived in the same location in the Central Highlands a separate part of Vietnam, before we the Dega people live in peace, we do not have enemy or war. Our enemies are tiger and snake, but the tiger and snake do not kill the Dega people. Only the Vietnamese people who killed the Dega people and killed the Dega people like the animals. We the Dega people tell the world the truth, we saw with our own eyes. 

The French came to our country built for us, school, hospital, road and other, but the Vietnamese people who destroyed everything the French built to us. And the American came to our country protected us from the Vietnamese genocide, then the Vietnamese put blame on American to cover up their war crimes. We the Dega people thanks to the French government and U.S government who helped us and protected us, we have survived today. We came the United States to reach of our ultimate goal and our movement for survival, to have a life and freedom as the Vietnamese people have.

3 Vietnamese groups attacked the Dega villages day and night killed men, women, children, burned houses and villages, and other hand Saigon bombing the Dega villages burned the houses, villages and killed elders men, women, children and live-stock. The North Vietnam and Viet Cong said to the Dega people, you deserved to die because you followed Saigon and other hand Saigon said to the Dega people, you deserved to die and destroyed because you followed Viet Cong. The North Vietnam, Viet Cong and South Vietnam share one goal for their method to eradicate The Dega people.

The 3 Vietnamese groups killed their own people to cover up their war crimes to the world. And also to cover up their method to eradicate the Dega people for their ambition aim is to take the Central Highlands from the Dega people and make it part of Vietnam.

3 Vietnamese groups knew the U.S military were aware of the Vietnam Civil War and the 3 Vietnamese groups wanted to find the way to remove the U.S military from Vietnam as soon as possible. The 3 Vietnamese groups took picture of their massacres the Dega people men, women, children, burned the houses and villages showed to the world, they also blamed on the U.S military for killing men, women, children, burning the houses and villages. the 3 Vietnamese groups put blame on the U.S military to cover up their war crime.

     . Vietnamese Civil War was deliberately fought on Dega territory, know as the Central Highlands in
     .  All the bombs and bullets dropped in the Central Highlands, at one time bombs dropped in the
        North Vietnam, but on borders Hanoi and Central Highlands at the 17th parallel, not inside Hanoi.
     . Vietnam was false claimed for disease by the American bombs to cover up their war crimes.

Chemical: Sprayed the chemical in the Central Highlands not in Hanoi or Saigon.
     . The South Vietnam who ordered the American sprayed the chemical and the chemical was
       sprayed in the Central Highlands on the borders Laotian and Cambodian, not in Lao or Cambodia.
     . The Vietnam was false claimed for the disease by the American's chemical
     . In reality, the Vietnamese have the disease by their own chemical, the Vietnamese government
       injected their soldiers with their own the chemical.
     .  After injected their soldiers, the soldiers like a drunk person attacked their enemies and civilian
       killed everyone in the front of them, men, women, children, burning the houses and villages.
     . The chemical stayed inside their blood, when they married, their wives have a babies, their babies
       have disease by their own chemical.
     . Again, the Vietnam was false claimed for the disease by the American's chemical to cover up their
       genocide the Dega people with the poison, put poison in the river, ponds, drink and food from
       1973, to present today.

The Vietnam member with the United Nations Security Council and Vietnam has committed war crimes, is a crimes under international law. 

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